Everything #119

April 29, 2013: Competitive friends are competitive! Haha. Special A depicts the school life of Hikari Hanazono, whose aim is to always surpass the excellence of her childhood rival, Kei Takishima, who actually secretly admires her but doesn’t let this keep him from achieving goals way beyond hers. It tends to be clunky and corny…

Everything #118

April 28, 2013: Blown away by Spirited Away (Sen To Chihiro Ni Kamikakushi), and there’s no wonder that it’s one of the best films ever made. The depth of its concept driven by the liminal adventure of Chihiro offers a kaleidoscopic story about growing up that is perfect for children of all ages.

Everything #117

April 27, 2013: It was Bradley Cooper Day as we see him in two writers’ shoes Limitless with Words. Where Limitless has come amazingly entertaining yet still lacks 100% percent of its brain is The Words is into creative story-telling but lacks of a way to elicit emotion to its audience.

Everything #116

April 26, 2013: Before Earth Week ends, we had the chance to go to The Enterprise Center Tower 2’s rooftop where we unearthed a garden of veggies which they open for the public every year. Free veggies were handed to visitors! Next year, the place will have fruits, too, so let’s not forget to take…

Everything #115

April 25, 2013: It started out as a mere post of our colleague, Lilibeth, stating the drowsiness she was feeling. Then, it just became a trend for us out of boredom and, of course, sleepiness. Simple things give us fun. :3

Everything #113

April 23, 2013: After all the challenges and struggles, I’m proud of my Monstaa for getting through college with a successful end. No words can describe the many struggles he’s gone through and yet, he endeavored until he’s up there on the stage with a degree as his new armor. Yes, I’m a proud Mastaa….

Everything #112

April 22, 2013: Just looking at them Auntie Anne’s pretzels wouldn’t let you get the point of loving it. 😉

Everything #111

April 21, 2013: I was Taken into a marathon jampacked with action, ruthless pursuits, overlooked unlikely scenes, and Liam Neeson everywhere.

Everything #110

April 20, 2013: A good shopper doesn’t exist unless he or she has rummaged every corner of Divisoria, which is like Manila’s shopping capital where one can find almost EVERYTHING from furniture, to apparels, to toys, to wardrobes, to gadgets, and to, did I mention, clothes? And so so so much more in pocket-friendly prices….