Everything #174: Birthday Birthday

June 23, 2014: Spent almost the whooooole day binge watching. Bed-ridden I was as I enjoy the first of my two-day work leave, which rarely happens. I filled my day with some color using our neighbor’s Wi-Fi (Million thanks, neighbor!) and looked out the window of infinite information (AKA the Internet) just to stay human and not some huge immobile embodiment…

Everything #173: BORA

June 22, 2014: Dunno why it’s called that way, but the Bora mix is a delightful drink even without any connection to the famous beach. With some sticks of coffee, Milo, condensed milk, and rum, you’re good to go if you don’t feel like having Bailey’s and resort to a more personal taste. As a tradition…

Everything #172: Late Bloomer of The Throne

June 21, 2014: No, not that I’m really a late bloomer. I don’t have a thing for TV series (except animés) for the past couple of years. I just don’t find it a bit of a distraction for doing more productive things. I was only forced to watch The Walking Dead back then, when the series was in…

Everything #171: Fries No Longer French Alone

June 20, 2014: McDo fries go international with their boxes in line with the World Cup. The world’s most beloved fries come in different artsy boxes that are inspired by different participating countries, and it sure is a good marketing strategy for adults who mostly no longer collect Happy Meals. You could say that these fries…

Everything #170: Downpour Desire

June 19, 2014: Ah, the city. A tiresome sight of busy people suddenly getting drenched by heaven’s confetti. A peaceful shower of droplets sending cool breeze through the day. The downpour comes rushing down with great desire to embrace the ground the way we desire to be at home on our beds, chilling all day. Oh, well, Thursday….

Everything #169: She’s Not Me

June 18, 2014: Madonna tops the list for the most influential women based on Evoke.ie. The list comes from an information analysis based on Wikipedia data. Personally, I wouldn’t doubt the Queen of Pop for her great influence to not only women but even men. Many would question this, and they could say that a scientist or a…

Everything #168: Jurassic Sneak

June 17, 2014: Speculations of hybrid dinosaurs have been confirmed. Some like it, some don’t. What makes a long-running movie installment difficult is how solid fans are going to take what comes in every film. The Harry Potter series was great. The Hunger Games keeps getting better. Would Jurassic World, in a span of two decades, disappoint?…

Everything #167: Purple Sky on A Monday

June 16, 2014: T’was a peaceful Monday sunset, and nothing extraordinary happened. What’s interesting, though, is that people hate Monday because they’re back to work or school, while in my office, it’s the other way around. Mondays are our laziest day of the week. Backlogs are forgiven, and yes, I don’t really get so strict…

Everything #166: Miracle in Cell No. 7

June 15, 2014: Never had I wept much since “The Passion of The Christ.” The Korean movie “Miracle in Cell No. 7” will keep you laughing through the whole story to give enough fun to sort of distract us while the impending doom stalks along. The story of a mentally impaired father getting incarcerated and leaving his…

Everything #165: T’sure Was Awkward

June 14, 2014: T’sure was awkward. Zac Efron’s “That Awkward Moment,” after being renamed from “Are We Officially Dating,” satisfyingly lives by the title—oozing with awkward moments that are either going to make you laugh or shrink in shared embarrassment or maybe both. But it’s more a dating and friendship story, a bro flick designed to…