Everything #065: Til My Body Ache

Credits to MP Fitness for the photo

March 06, 2014: Today, I am sore. I just danced ’til my body aches the previous night to work it out using Zumba. I know Zumba would be a perfect workout, but it’s more exciting for me as a frustrated performer. When I used to work out, as I repeatedly lifted weights and stuff, I continuously pondered if that would be my routine for the rest of my life. It wasn’t fun at all, but the result, if I had worked out religiously, could have paid off really well. But no more than a month, I quit and it left me in deep breaths as I hiked a mountain after that. But no, the gym isn’t for me. No offense to those who work their ass off and get hot bods, but I find it monotonous to work out. I’m the type of person who likes variety (which is why we have this blog’s title). When I learned about Zumba, I realized that Alberto “Beto” Perez’s accidental invention fits the type of workout I want for myself; music-filled, fun, and easily modified to add variety. All that is left to deal with is how I could maintain this pace, and how I could deal with this sore body I’m having now. Ugh!

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